9 ways to step out of your comfort zone while traveling

Those new experiences could change your life and the direction of your career. Luckily I’ve learned some things about the freedom that comes from trying something new and breaking out of boxes and restrictions — sometimes self-imposed. I’d like to share the things that I’ve learned that may have seemed uncomfortable at first, but brought me joy, excitement and opportunities.

As long as the decision to leave the comfort zone aligns with a person’s values, this shift is akin to making a bid for self-actualization. For one, not striving for growth could mean falling into a state of inertia later in life. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs operates like a ladder, with the satisfaction of our ‘basic’ and ‘psychological’ needs being analogous to inhabiting the comfort zone. But whether we’re conscious of it or not, the theory argues our next requirement is for personal growth and fulfillment. Aside from enhancing performance, there are plenty of less-direct benefits of leaving the comfort zone.

WikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 14 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. Have fun and enjoy the journey of “figuring it out” because that’s what life’s about. All you need is a goal and the clarity for the next step you need to take. You bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be one small step at a time. No one expects you to know the exact steps you’re going to take.

This will expose you to brain chemistry responses that you are not familiar with, such as adrenaline and dopamine highs which can change how you think. It can be very revealing to have introspective time alone. Going for a hike or sitting in the woods without technology or people will give you space to think deeply and reflect on yourself.

If you feel Business Success Tips uncomfortable speaking in front of a room full of people, it may be helpful to take a public speaking course. Once you've taken the first steps to address your fears, it will be that much easier to overcome them eventually. If you want to step out of your comfort zone, try starting with small things so it doesn’t seem like a big jump. For example, talk to a stranger at the grocery store or listen to a new genre of music. Once these small challenges become a daily routine, you’ll find it much easier to tackle bigger challenges.

So even when you know you’ve outgrown your comfort zone, fear holds you back from moving forward. For instance, you may hesitate to pursue a different career path because of a fear of failure. Finding the motivation to leave your comfort zone isn’t easy.

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